Safe Arrivals & Departures

Safe Arrivals & Departures

Thank you to those parents who are helping to keep students safe as they cross Anna Avenue and other roads leading to the school. We would ask adults to ensure that they and their children are crossing all streets at a corner or at the crosswalk. We have made this point with students that they must respect this safety rule at all times.

Patrolled Crossing: We are very lucky to have an adult crossing guard at both arrival and dismissal time. She will be at the cross walk in front of the school (Marshal & Anna). Any students who need to cross Anna without a parent/ adult must cross with the crossing guard.

Bicycles and other wheeled items
For the safety of the rider and pedestrians, all wheeled transportation is to be stopped at the edge of the property. Students are then to walk their bikes and scooters while on the property. Rollerblades and heelies should be removed at the edge of the school property and regular shoes worn in the school and on the playground. Heelies should not be worn as regular shoes at school unless the wheels are detachable. At the end of the day, students are to walk their bikes/scooters to the edge of the property before mounting their transportation. Helmets and proper pads MUST be worn when using a bike or rollerblades. Skateboards are not permitted due to safety and storage issues. For more on bicycle safety, you can check out the National Bicycle Safety Network.

Drop off of Students: If you are dropping your children off please let them out of your car at the end of the East parking lot and have them walk up the sidewalk to enter the yard by the front Kindergarten gate. Students should not be walking through our parking lots to the schoolyard as this is a safety concern. If you are dropping your child off in front of the school please do so on the opposite side of the road (not blocking any of our neighbour's driveways) and walk your child across the street holding their hand, this is for all ages of children. If you are unable to walk your child across the road please send your child up the sidewalk to cross with our crossing guard to ensure their safety while crossing the road.

Parents who are dropping students off or picking them up on the south side of Anna should do so near the crossing guard so that the students are supervised as they cross. A very special thank you to Sally who will be our crossing guard again this year helping to ensure the safety of our children.

Running Late or Absent: Please call the school @ 613-728-7793 if your child will be late for school or absent. To ensure the safety of all students and the peace of mind of all parents, we contact you if your child is late or absent.

Pick up of Students- All students are dismissed at 2:30pm. For Kindergarten Students, your child's teacher will dismiss him/her to you directly. Primary students will be dismissed from the main entrance of the building. Junior students will exit from the doors near the West end of the building. All students taking the bus will proceed to their designated bus line on the main lawn. Students that are being picked up by parents can be met near the W.E. Gowling school sign on our front lawn. If you are driving to pick up your children, please park in our school parking lot on the East side of the building (parking lot is closed between 2:30p.m. and 2:45p.m. and between 7:45a.m. and 8:00a.m) or on the opposite side of the road from the school. Immediately in front of the school is our school bus loading zone and you can be ticketed for parking in this location.