
Staff, students and parents work together to ensure that W.E. Gowling is a safe place for all students. Teachers let their students know of any allergies in their class and outline how each child can help keep their classmates safe. Teachers will also let parents know if there are any foods which you need to avoid sending in lunches. Please be aware that we strive to achieve a "nut free” environment. If your child is required to take medication at school or has an epi-pen or inhaler, the proper documentation, signed by your physician, must be completed and submitted to the office. As indicated in OCDSB Procedure 547.SCO, Section 4.6: “All medication must be kept in a secure location with provision being made for responsible individuals to have access to it as required.” Forms expire each June 30. Medication should not be left in backpacks.

Please call 613 -728-3537 if you need further information.