Our Mission:
Championing students’ love of learning
Our Vision:
Developing well being, inspiring learning and building social bridges
Flying strong since 1945
Quick Facts
- Our school welcomes approximately 440 students from Junior Kindergarten to Grade 6 each year.
- We offer full-day bilingual Kindergarten, the English program with Core French, and Early French Immersion.
- After completing Grade 6, students attend Fisher Park Public School.
Interested in registering your child at our school? Contact us or visit the OCDSB Registration page for more information.
About Our School
W.E. Gowling Public School was named after Wesley Ernest Gowling, a dedicated trustee of the Ottawa Public School Board from 1909-1955. Originally built in 1946, it went through an expansion in 1949 and then an addition in 1952. In 2022, W.E. Gowling celebrated its 75th anniversary. Our academic focus is on Literacy and Numeracy. Our positive school discipline philosophy emphasizes respect and responsibility which supports our educational programs.
Our School Community
W.E. Gowling’s diverse student population represents many countries of origin. We believe our school is stronger due to our cultural backgrounds and the variety of strengths that students and staff bring to our school. W.E. Gowling assists students by offering a nutrition program and assists families by offering a Clothes Closet program. Our motto is “Be kind to each other.”
W.E. Gowling staff is a dedicated group of professionals composed of teachers, early childhood educators, educational assistants, office staff, custodial staff, and a library technician. Focusing on the whole child, staff work to ensure that each child progresses to the best of their potential both in the classroom and through co-curricular activities. Teachers at W.E. Gowling are actively involved in training and supporting teachers new to the profession. Our Professional Learning Community focuses on supporting teachers to meet the needs of our diverse students. A parent wrote:
“The staff at W.E. Gowling works hard each and every day to meet the specific needs of all the children. I am thrilled that my children have the opportunity to be educated at W.E. Gowling.”
Parents/Guardians and Community
W.E. Gowling is situated in the Carlington Community. This community is socially active, providing many services to its population. We work cooperatively with the Carlington Community Health Services and the Alexander Community Center to provide a wide range of services to the community. New initiatives are regularly discussed and implemented, making W.E. Gowling a true hub of the community. Many parents and community members volunteer at W.E. Gowling. Their contributions are always appreciated. We have many partnerships with our community. The following associations are involved in making our school a better place to be for our students: Ottawa Network for Education, Rotary Club, Reach Center, and Caldwell Food Center.
Programs, Supports and Activities
We offer the following academic programs:
- Full-day Bilingual Kindergarten (JK-SK): 50% English instruction and 50% French instruction.
- English Program with Core French (Grades 1-6): Instruction in the English language in all subject areas as well as instruction in French through Core French (40 minutes daily).
- Early French Immersion Program (Grades 1-6): Instruction in the French language in all subject areas. Mathematics and Language will be instructed in English.
We support students with specialized learning needs and multilingual learners through:
- Our General Learning Program (GLP) class
- Learning Resource Teachers
- Learning Support Teachers
- English as a Second Language (ESL) Teacher
- Educational Assistants to support individual students and system classes
Students have opportunities to get involved in a wide range of clubs, athletic teams, and activities. For more details, visit our Teams and Clubs page.
Facilities and Learning Tools
W.E. Gowling houses:
- A spacious Library houses a collection of 13,500 items.
- Wireless technology in every room
- Two gymnasiums
- The Annavale Nursery School program, Carlington Community and Health
- A large school yard with a soccer field and two play structures
- Growing mobile technology collection with handheld devices in every classroom for student and staff use
Equity, Inclusion and Indigenous Education
- We recognize and acknowledge the diverse voices within our school community and are committed to ensuring these are welcomed and heard.
- We endeavour to provide a safe, inclusive and respectful place for our students, staff and school community.
- Our school participates in the Student Achievement Through Equity (SATE) Initiative.
- Support for newcomer families are available at the school, including connections to our board’s Community Education Liaison (CEL).
- Our students are supported by a Multi-Disciplinary Team consisting of a Social Worker, Psychologist, Speech Pathologist, Learning Support Consultant, and by Crossroads Children’s Mental Health Centre, which offers the School-Based Mental Health program at our school.
- Anti-oppression, anti-racism and human rights is ongoing work embedded in daily learning throughout the year. Activities and performances take place throughout the school year including presentations from BIPOC and Indigenous community members, and ongoing PD for staff including addressing anti-Semitism training, and more.
- Indigenous families and students are able to connect with our Indigenous Student Coordinator.
- We offer a variety of clubs, for example, Student Council that foster a caring environment and support student voice.
Child Care
OCDSB Extended Day Program (EDP)
Our school offers the Extended Day Program (EDP), which operates before and after the regular school day, providing children the opportunity to participate in activities that complement what happens during the school day. The program is open to all children from Kindergarten to Grade 6 registered in their designated OCDSB school. For more information, visit the OCDSB website.
Community Child Care Provider: Annavale Headstart Nursery School & Early Years Program
In accordance with the Education Act and its regulations, school boards may directly operate child care programs or they may enter into an agreement with a Community Child Care Partner. The OCDSB has developed and entered into partnerships at a number of elementary schools with Community Child Care Partners. Our Community Child Care Partners are regulated by the Ministry of Education, and licensed under the Child Care and Early Years Act, 2014. These programs offer a fee based service for children and their caring adults.
For information regarding their child care options, please contact the Child Care provider directly at:
Parent-Child & Youth Services
250 Anna Avenue
Ottawa, ON
K1Z 7V6
Tel 613-798-5689
Fax/ TC 613-798-4177