Fire and Lockdown Drills

Every year, schools are required to review and revise their Emergency Response Plan. The two key aspects of this plan that involve the children are the Fire Response and Lockdown Procedures. This term we will have three required fire drills and three more in the spring term. These fire drills are extremely important as they help us to not only remind our students of the safest and quickest way of exiting the school, but they also help us review and revise our plans.

We are also mandated to practice two lockdown drills during the school year. These drills help everyone in the school become better prepared to respond to dangerous situations. The procedure is enacted in any instance that could impact the safety or the well being of the students and staff. It is imperative that we have a plan that ensures everybody is behind a locked door. When the Lock Down announcement is made, the staff immediately moves students into a predetermined safe area and waits until an all-clear signal is given. Although staff will attempt to ensure that the students understand the importance and the necessity of such drills, inevitably questions will come home. We ask for your assistance in clarifying any fears. As you are aware, teachers review the process every September and we conduct our first practice in the first term and our second practice in the spring. We were very proud of how well students handle the fire drills and the lock down practice at Gowling.

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