Measures of Student Achievement and Success
Student achievement at W.E. Gowling is measured in many ways:
- Daily observation, rubrics, group work, portfolios, teacher made tests, publisher’s tests, projects and assignments are frequently utilized measures of student learning and achievement.
- Students are often given the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding through final demonstrations at the end of a unit of study.
- In Kindergarten, students are assessed in the fall and in the spring for letter recognition, number recognition, name recognition and ELOT.
- In Grades 1 to 3, all students are assessed in the fall and in the spring using PM Benchmarks which measures their level of reading and comprehension. As well, students are assessed using the Dolch words for reading and spelling.
- In Grades 4 to 6, our students are assessed in reading and comprehension using the Comprehension, Attitude, Strategies, Interests (CASI) instrument.
- Our grade 3 and grade 6 students participate in yearly provincial testing (EQAO). These results are on the following page.
School Learning Plans and Initiatives
The W.E. Gowling School Improvement Plans focus on the following areas:
- Literacy - Specifically, Year 2 Kindergartners knowing all their letters including sound and formation
- Numeracy – Specifically, Understanding terminology in reading Data and understanding Spatial Sense
- Well-Being - Creating a safe and caring environment
- Teachers and coaches have worked to develop and implement the annual School Improvement Plans.
Some of the initiatives within the above plan are as follows:
- Balanced Literacy implementation in Primary and Junior classrooms
- Math problem solving, collaboration and accountable student talk
- Mindfulness activities, Zones of Regulation, WITS